2024 • 54' & 91' • French & English
Director(s): Herlé Jouon & François Guillaume • Producer(s): Grand Angle Productions • Coproducer(s): France Télévisions, SBS, Ceska TV, Histoire TV • Country of production: France • Format(s): 4K
Monuments, stadiums, roads, water systems, harbors... The builders of Rome invented the modern city.
By what technical inventions and what genius of construction did they achieve this?
Rome. The largest city in the world during Antiquity with 1 million inhabitants.An unprecedented urbanization that created immense challenges: housing, water supply, transportation, entertainment...They knew how to invent new construction techniques and to imagine measuring instruments and machines never seen before! With a requirement of precision which relies on the work of international archaeologists, an exceptional work of restitution will be carried out so that the whole of the eternal city is reborn in all its splendor.