Woodcock and Partridge in the Balkans

2017 • 53' • French & Russian

Poster of Woodcock and Partridge in the Balkans

Director(s): Nicolas Gruaud • Producer(s): Les Films Jack Fébus • Coproducer(s): Seasons • Format(s): HD

Anthony Ovini is a most extraordinary character. A unique presence in the world of hunting. He’s an incredible athlete who sprints uphill, most frequently after a trophy fawn or bighorn sheep. His playground: the mountain! It takes him to the four corners of the planet in search of the finest game in the wildest of locations.

Always looking for fresh adventures, Anthony meets us in the Balkans, in partridge and woodcock territory. Two birds that are emblematic of Europe, whose protected populations are enough to set the hearts of passionate hunters beating faster. Together we set out to encounter these magnificent birds, from the high mountain plateau of Bosnia to the gentle valleys of Albania.

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