Lofoten Islands: for the love of cod

2017 • 16' • French

Poster of Lofoten Islands: for the love of cod

Director(s): Camille Robert • Producer(s): Tournez S'il vous Plait • Format(s): HD

Nestled at the world’s end, in northern Norway, the Lofoten islands offer a surprising scenery. Peaking at over 1000 meters above sea level, the picturesque mountains are surrounded by turquoise waters. Situated above the Arctic Circle, the islands nevertheless enjoy mild temperatures thanks to the warm air brought in by the Gulf Stream, which protects the seven-island archipelago from extreme weather conditions. Thanks to this exceptional climate, life in Lofoten is surprisingly frantic in the middle of winter. Every year, between January and April, the world’s largest reserve of cod migrate to the tiny archipelago to spawn en masse. A miraculous fishing follows, feeding the region since the 10th century! Once dried, the fish is referred to as 'salted cod’, before making its way to the Portuguese, Spanish and Italian markets.

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