The nut case race

2012 • 18' • French

Poster of The nut case race

Director(s): Antoine Laura • Producer(s): Grand Angle Productions • Coproducer(s): France Télévisions • Format(s): HD

They call it the Diagonal of Fools. The Grand Raid, which is held every year on Reunion, is one of the most testing races in the world. This year 2,700 runners will cover 170 kilometres of tracks that cross the landscapes of the island listed as a UNESCO world heritage site. During the race, however, it’s hard to admire the view. You have to commit yourself to take on the mud, the rain, the solitude and the lack of sleep. Those first home will take over 24 hours to reach the finish line; the stragglers will go more than 3 days without sleep. Once you start up a canyon or climb a mountain it’s difficult to turn back. Three competitors explain what motivated them to partake in such a challenge. They each have very personal reasons for wanting to push back their limits.

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