Anchored to Loyalty

2014 • 26' • French

Poster of Anchored to Loyalty

Director(s): Richard Tindiller • Producer(s): Grand Angle Productions & Bleu Lagon Productions • Coproducer(s): France Télévisions • Format(s): HD

New Caledonia is a land that is booming, notably thanks to the nickel extracted from the Grande Terre. Constantly growing, Nouméa will have a population of 135,000 by 2020. Modern, urban and enjoying economic expansion, the city is attracting the majority of people from the Loyalty Islands. The exodus from Ouvéa, Lifou and Maré is so great that there are now more Loyalty islanders on Grande Terre. Some, conscious of the wealth of their natural heritage and deeply attached to their cultural customs, have decided to reverse the trend and remain to work on their islands.

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