Rescue our turtles

2014 • 26' • French

Poster of Rescue our turtles

Director(s): Richard Tindiller • Producer(s): Grand Angle Productions & Bleu Lagon Productions • Coproducer(s): France Télévisions • Format(s): HD

A veritable jewel of the South Pacific, New Caledonia has the biggest lagoon in the world. An incredible marine biodiversity that is home to four of the existing seven species of sea turtle.

Among them is the big-headed turtle [Platysternon megacephalum]. Having appeared more than 200 hundred million years ago, this turtle belongs to the most ancient line of reptiles. However, in sixty years, 90% of their number has disappeared. The species is now endangered and on the road to extinction.

The people of New Caledonia have decided to take action to save this turtle. Apart from an ecological motive, it is also a matter of preserving Kanak culture and beliefs as certain clans have adopted the big-headed turtle as their totem.

Rescue our Turtles introduces us to these men and women¾volunteers, professionals or even tourists, who are coming to the rescue of the species: members of the Bwara association guard the Roche-Percée beach, which is taken over by the turtles during the laying season; the Ataba family has chosen dance as its means of communication for the protection of the turtle, their totem; and the Nouméa Aquarium now takes in any new-born turtles showing signs of frailty.

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