2019 • 56'
Director(s): Désiré Zamo • Producer(s): Les Films Jack Fébus • Coproducer(s): Seasons • Country of production: France • Format(s): HD
Yannick Rivière found a 20-year-old book that listed some of the favorite French water bodies for fishing. Curious, he wanted to find out the condition of some these ecosystems today. To accomplish this, he crossed the Pyrenees from East to West, stopping in each of the departments that hold the fishing spots. Always accompanied by a local fisherman, he fishes in the area’s lakes, rivers or streams. He asks the fishermen about the changes that have been observed in local ecosystems and why they still appreciate their favorite fishing spot after all these years? Informed by his experience and his encounters, conversations and exchanges, he hopes to identify an overall tendency from his journey, or at the very least to find a clue about the health of these water bodies, so that he might be able to imagine the future of these precious fishing spots for future generations.